Registration form:
1. Your first name
2. Your login in this forum
3. Your login on plugin's site
4. Your auto ( class ) - !!! Attention: you are allowed to use all N4 cars and only STANDART wrc cars. (Standart cars means cars which were included in game by its developers)!!!
5. Your country
6. Your controller
7. Your gearbox
8. Covered kilometers on plugin's site at the moment you are posting this message
9. Wanted start number ( 1 - 199, if your favourite number was choosed by another player, you'll be given another free number. ) You should post your answers here, like other users. Good luck!
Добавлено (2007-01-22, 10:55 Pm)
Let me know if I have any mistakes in english please (I suppose, here are a lot of them )